Do you work in evaluation or related applied/community-engaged research?
This will be a relatively informal event for those working in these areas at Duke. We will learn a bit more about each other, about each other's work, and brainstorm on any specific offerings/activities this community would value. This can be a first step towards creating a community of practice for those who work in these areas.
When?: May 18, 9:30-10:30 a.m. (you can hang out 'til 11:00 if you're really having fun!)
Where?: Chesterfield Building, 5th floor; 701 Main St. in downtown Durham (specific room will be shared later). Parking is free in the Brightleaf Lot at the corner of Duke and Main Streets.
RSVP? This is event is free, but we would like a heads-up on who's coming. RSVP at this link:
Civic Engagement/Social Action, Diversity/Inclusion, Social Sciences