Ph.D. Students Design Internships to Enhance Their Education, From Muskrats to the Music Business
Duke’s Office of the Provost has awarded Graduate Student Training Enhancement Grants (GSTEG) to eight Ph.D. students for summer internships aligned with their core research and training.
Earlier this year, Ph.D. students were invited to propose internships with an NGO, community organization, cultural institution or government agency. These experiences will amplify their intellectual trajectory and contribute to dissertation research, beyond the standard offerings within their program and opportunities otherwise available at Duke.
Summer 2023 GSTEG Recipients
Hunter Augeri, Ph.D. in English
Bibliographic Intern, Printed Matter Inc.
Thea Ballard, Ph.D. in Art, Art History & Visual Studies
Research Intern, Unseen Worlds
Cade Bourne, Ph.D. in Music
Music Business Intern, InStereo Recordings
Britt Edelen, Ph.D. in English
Archival and Public Engagement Intern, Center for Jewish History
Leo Gaskins, Ph.D. in Marine Science & Conservation
Research Intern (How Marsh Bird Use of Muskrat Dens Varies Seasonally in Calumet Wetlands), Audubon Great Lakes
Alex Karsten, Ph.D. in Classical Studies
Publications Intern, American School of Classical Studies at Athens Publications
Gabi Venable, Ph.D. in Evolutionary Anthropology
Canine Cognition Research Intern, Circumference Group
Zhenxuan Wang, Ph.D. in Environmental Economics & Policy
Research Intern (Evaluating the Advances and Challenges of Decarbonizing the Residential Building Sector), Resources for the Future
About These Grants
The Office of the Provost has created a range of research and professional development opportunities to complement the key features of disciplinary training. The options reflect input from Duke Ph.D. alumni and faculty about the full set of skills and experiences that prepare Ph.D. graduates for success, whether within or outside academia. They also align with the recommendations of national reports on Ph.D. education, such as Reshaping Graduate STEM Education for the 21st Century from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, as well as the report of the Duke Provost’s Committee on Reimagining Doctoral Education.
Graduate Student Training Enhancement Grants are intended to expand opportunities for Ph.D. students to augment their core research and training by acquiring additional skills, knowledge or experiences through an off-campus summer internship. See last summer’s GSTEG internships and learn more about supplemental summer funding for Ph.D. students.
Caption for main image: Top row, from left: Hunter Augeri, Thea Ballard, Cade Bourne, Britt Edelen; bottom row: Leo Gaskins, Alex Karsten, Gabi Venable, Zhenxuan Wang